Community Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Let's teach them something about this uniform," [Schwartz] said. "Let's teach them something about Westish College." (21.26)

Even though he felt bitter two chapters ago, Mike still has immense Westish pride, and he uses it to motivate his team.

Quote #5

Starblind eyed Schwartz levelly. "Just don't forget what you're supposed to put first, Schwartzy. It's not Henry, and it's not Henry's pro career." (43.46)

It's the team that Mike should put first. Not only is there no "I" in team, but there's also no "Henry" in team, either. But that doesn't stop Mike from prioritizing Henry above everyone else.

Quote #6

[Henry] just needed to play baseball, to enjoy it as he always had, to help his teammates beat Coshwale. Everything else would fall into place. (44.25)

Even though Mike puts Henry before everyone else, Henry still feels like he is a part of the team, and he wants to help them win.