Admiration Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Izzy feared and respected Schwartz, but he worshipped Henry. (5.94)

This recalls "baseball messiah" yet again, casting Henry as a figure of worship. We're just told that Izzy worships Henry, but we're not sure how. How do you think he does it? Literally bowing down to him? Maybe building an idol in his dorm room?

Quote #5

"[Henry] understands the game like a veteran major leaguer. And defensively there's no competition. Today he ties Aparicio Rodriguez's NCAA record for consecutive errorless games by a shortstop. Fifty-one and counting." (8.31)

Scouts take notice of Henry and admire his skill. There's something in Henry that just exudes the pure art of baseball, which attracts scouts from across the country.

Quote #6

"Let's stay focused. Henry, I keep my ear to the ground, and lately your name is all I hear. Skrimshander, Skrimshander, Skrimshander. Like a tongue twister, only better. More mellifluous." (11.28)

Henry starts to get nervous as other people—complete strangers, scouts from across the country—know his name. With admiration comes fame.