Tangerine Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But of course [Mom] will never tell me about it. Just like she would never have told Grandmom and Grandpop about hating any of those moves of her childhood. (1.4.10)

There's a lot of repression of all kinds going on in the Fisher fam. The question is, do they not talk because of the way they are, or are they the way they are because they don't talk? Tricky.

Quote #5

Erik was telling his friends this story: The reason for the Coke-bottle glasses on my eyes was that I had stared at the sun, unprotected, during that eclipse. The story puzzles me then, and it puzzles me now. Puzzled or not, I went right along with the story. (1.6.8-10)

It's weird that Paul did go along with the story, when he clearly knows that there's something off about it. Did he still trust his brother to tell the truth at that point? Or does he not trust his own memory?

Quote #6

But if that's the truth, if that really happened, why can't I remember it? (1.6.54)

Does someone have to remember something for it to be true? If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Have we blown your mind yet? Because we could keep going.