Strange fits of passion have I known Love Quotes

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Quote #4

In one of those sweet dreams I slept,
Kind Nature's gentlest boon! (17-18)

Love, according to the speaker, is both a sweet dream and the greatest gift ("gentlest boon") that Nature can give us. He's a huge fan of love, in other words—even if it does result in moments of paralyzing fear from time to time.

Quote #5

What fond and wayward thoughts will slide
Into a Lover's head!
"O mercy!" to myself I cried,
"If Lucy should be dead!" (25-28)

The final stanza of the poem throws us a pretty nasty curveball. While the steadily-sinking moon has lent a growing sense of foreboding to the poem, these last lines really seem to come out of left field. Upon reflection, though, they seem both troubling and fitting. After all, the price to loving someone is the fear of losing them.