Star Trek: The Motion Picture Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

Quote #7

DECKER: Learn all that is learnable. Return that information to its Creator.

SPOCK: Precisely, Mister Decker. The machines interpreted it literally. They built this entire vessel so that Voyager could fulfill its programming.

After discovering that "V'Ger" is in fact the super-evolved form of NASA's unmanned Voyager VI probe, the crew is left with more questions than answers. Why did the living machines help this silly little probe? How did they become self-aware in the first place? And what is V'Ger trying to achieve with all of this wanton destruction?

Quote #8

SPOCK: What it requires of its God, Doctor, is the answer to its question, Is there nothing more?

In an interesting reversal, it's Spock who ignores logic and focuses instead on the emotional side of things. Looks like Spock and V'Ger are going through the same thing.

Quote #9

McCOY: What more is there than the universe, Spock?

In contrast to Spock, McCoy is a total realist, providing yet another viewpoint to bounce off the crazy philosophical Rorschach test that is V'Ger.