Star Trek: The Motion Picture Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

Quote #4

McCOY: Your revered Admiral Nogura invoked a little known and seldom used reserve activation clause. In simpler language, Captain, they drafted me.

Unlike Kirk, McCoy is none too eager to restart life as an interstellar explorer, much less risk his life on their most dangerous mission yet. To his credit, he changes his tune as soon as Kirk explains the gravity of the situation.

Quote #5

KIRK: Why was my phaser order countermanded?

DECKER: Sir, the Enterprise redesign increases phaser power by channeling it through the main engines. When they went into anti-matter imbalance, the phasers were automatically cut off.

When the Enterprise gets caught up in a time-slowing wormhole, Decker defies Kirk's orders and takes charge of the situation. Kirk is pretty ticked about this, as you might imagine, but even he is forced to admit that Decker was right. He literally saved everyone's lives. This raises questions about whether Kirk is fit for duty as Enterprise's captain, or whether he's the Starfleet equivalent of an old washed-up rock star.

Quote #6

McCOY: The point, Captain, is that it's you who's competing. You rammed getting this command down Starfleet's throat. You've used this emergency to get Enterprise back.

We love Bones' honesty so much. Everyone has been dancing around the issue, but he's just going to say it: Kirk is using V'Ger as an excuse to retake his ship. It could've been a space-trucking accident for all he cares—all that matters is that he's back at the helm of the U.S.S. Enterprise.