Sons and Lovers Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

If she could rise, take him, put her arms round him, and say, "You are mine," then he would leave himself to her. But dare she? She could easily sacrifice herself. But dare she assert herself? She was aware of his dark-clothed, slender body, that seemed one stroke of life, sprawled in the chair close to her. But no; she dared not put her arms round it. (15.126)

When Paul is utterly defeated, all Miriam needs to do is step up and tell him that he belongs to her. But she doesn't have it in her to do this. A combination of personal pride, fear, and feminine training has paralyzed the poor girl. This inability to take any initiative in the relationship (in combination with Paul's own commitment issues) is ultimately what keeps the two of them apart.