Sons and Lovers Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

She could feel Paul being drawn away by this girl. And she did not care for Miriam. "She is one of those who will want to suck a man's soul out till he has none of his own left," she said to herself; "and he is just such a gaby as to let himself be absorbed. She will never let him become a man; she never will." (7.250)

Passages like this one cut to the core of Mrs. Morel. Basically, the woman thinks that Miriam is too intense in her passion for Paul, so if he returns her affections, she will devour Paul's soul. Mrs. Morel doesn't want Paul to completely give himself to a woman, in the way that romantic people might expect from love. She wants Paul to marry a girl he can be at arm's length from emotionally, so he can continue to pursue his individual achievements. The best part about this whole thing is: it's Mrs. Morel's love for Paul that prevents him from maturing.