The Sneetches and Other Stories Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Line)

Quote #4

"Belly stars are no longer in style," said McBean. / "What you need is a trip through my Star-Off Machine." (Sneetches.58-59)

Not only did McBean create the problem, but he created the solution to the problem. When profiteering, it's generally best to do both. Saves you time (which is also money).

Quote #5

Then, when every last cent / Of their money was spent, / The Fix-it-Up Chappie packed up / And he went. (Sneetches.85-88)

Despite being the Fix-it-Up Chappie, McBean didn't fix anything. Not even his greed, since you can bet he's off to scam the green from someone else.