Slumdog Millionaire Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Slumdog Millionaire.

Quote #4

EUROPEAN TOURIST: It says nothing of this in the guidebook.

JAMAL: The guidebook was written by a bunch of lazy, good-for-nothing Indian beggars.

Jamal is remarkably quick on his feet, and uses his wit and ingenuity to his advantage to carve out a niche as a tour guide for foreigners. These qualities continually help him survive when all the odds are stacked against him.

Quote #5

SALIM: Maman never forgets, isn't that right?

MAMAN: Maman can make an exception.

SALIM: I can't take that risk.

For the first half of the story, it appears that Salim is concerned above all else with self-preservation. Yet as protector and guardian of Jamal and Latika, he makes the decision to kill Maman in order to save not only himself, but his family as well.

Quote #6

PREM: It's getting hot in here!

JAMAL: Are you nervous?

PREM: What? Am I nervous? It's you who's in the hot seat, my friend.

JAMAL: Oh, yes, sorry!

MALE PRODUCER: Well, he's got Prem on the run.


As Jamal continues to defy the odds, answering question after question correctly, he has Prem against the ropes—and they both know it.