Slumdog Millionaire Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Slumdog Millionaire.

Quote #4

LATIKA: You came back for me.

JAMAL: Of course.

LATIKA: I thought you'd forgotten.

JAMAL: I'd never forget. Not for one moment. I knew I'd find you in the end. It's our destiny.

From this young age, Jamal knows in his heart that it his destiny to be with Latika. He never forgets about her, doing everything in his power to find his loved one, even after their repeated separations.

Quote #5

PREM: Do the right thing in approximately three minutes, and you will be as famous as me. And as rich as me. Almost.

Though it is written, literally, in steam on the bathroom mirror, Jamal knows full well that Prem has fed him the wrong answer. Perhaps Prem's intervention here is fate, seeing as Prem inadvertently gave Jamal the answer to a question he otherwise might have missed.

Quote #6

PREM: Latika, what do you think?

LATIKA: I don't know. I've never known.

Here the imagery of the three musketeers is brought back in the million-dollar question. Yet in an ironic twist, Jamal, nor Latika, ever learned the name of Latika's third musketeer.