The Sixth Sense Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotes are from The Sixth Sense.

Quote #7

MALCOLM: I want to be able to talk to my wife again. The way we used to talk to each other. Like there was no one else in the world except us.

COLE: How are you going do that?

MALCOLM: I can't be your doctor anymore. I haven't paid enough attention to my family. Bad things happen when you do that. Do you understand?

Unfortunately, even though he's good at getting Cole to open up, Malcolm isn't quite as good at communicating with his wife (not his fault, though—he's dead. Although come to think of it, Patrick Swayze found a way). Luckily, just like Malcolm has his bag of tricks for getting Cole to communicate, Cole's eventually able help Malcolm kind of trick his wife into listening to him.

Quote #8

MALCOLM: You know what "Yo no quiero morir" means? It's Spanish. It means "I don't want to die. " What do you think these ghosts want when they talk to you? I want you to think about it, Cole. I want you to think about it really carefully. What do you think they want?

COLE: Just help.

MALCOLM: That's right. That's what I think too. They just want help, even the scary ones. I think I might know a way to make them go away.

COLE: How?

MALCOLM: Listen to them.

It sounds like a cheesy piece of pop psychology advice, but it's true. Listening helps any relationship.

Quote #9

COLE: I'm not going to see you anymore, am I?

MALCOLM: I think we said everything we needed to say. Maybe it's time to say things to someone closer to you.

Malcolm thinks Cole's ready to talk to the person he should have been talking to all along: Mom. At this point, we're thinking that they're parting ways so that Malcolm can finally go back to working on his marriage. It's not until later that we learn it's because Malcolm needs to wrap up his unfinished business and join the rest of the departed.