The Sixth Sense Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotes are from The Sixth Sense.

Quote #4

MR. CUNNINGHAM: This whole building was full of lawyers, lawmakers.

COLE: They were the ones that hanged everybody.

MR. CUNNINGHAM: I don't know which one of these guys told you that, but they were just trying to scare you.

Mr. Cunningham assumes Cole got this story from the bullies at school. Little does he know that Cole's schoolmates are the least of his scary problems. Living with these terrifying images is Cole's "normal."

Quote #5

COLE: If you're not very mad, can I sleep in your bed tonight?

LYNN: Look at my face. I'm not very mad. Baby, why are you shaking? Cole, what's wrong? Oh, God, please tell me! Oh, please.

Who's more scared here?

Quote #6

MALCOLM: What do you think these ghosts want when they talk to you? I want you to think about it, Cole. I want you to think about it really carefully. What do you think they want?

COLE: Just help.

MALCOLM: That's right. That's what I think too. They just want help, even the scary ones. I think I might know a way to make them go away.

Turns out, maybe all they need is someone to listen? Malcolm's pushing the idea that you only fear what you can't understand.