Sideways Stories From Wayside School Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

D.J. looked up at him. "You need a reason to be sad," he said. "You don't need a reason to be happy." (16.28)

Possibly the wisest and most touching sentiment in the book, D.J. says this when he explains his mysterious Cheshire Cat grin to Louis. If you remember one thing from this book, remember D.J.'s wise words.

Quote #5

It was easier for John to turn his book upside down than to learn to read correctly. But the easiest way isn't always the best way. (17.4)

Sounds like Star Wars, doesn't it? We can almost imagine John taking the path to the Dark Side if he keeps trying to take the easy way out. John's story is a funny and true reminder that sometimes you have to address a problem even if it isn't an easy thing to do.

Quote #6

You don't like Kathy, do you?

See, she was right!

It's funny how a person can be right all the time and still be wrong. (20.29-31)

Kathy's story, about a kid who doesn't like anyone, ends with this true punch to the gut. Her chapter details all the ways in which she thinks others are always wrong, and it has a lot of wisdom in it, which really comes together in this final sentence.