Freedom and Confinement Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Beck had told me not to leave the house, so of course I was out walking in the evening. (33.22)

It's a universal truth that when a teenager is told to stay inside, he or she will want to leave.

Quote #8

“What are you reading?” [...] “Bel Canto” (39.20)

Bel Canto—a book about a hostage situation—is the perfect book to symbolize freedom and confinement. This also ties into Grace's idea that she's experiencing Stockholm Syndrome—sympathizing with her “captors,” the wolves—because this is what happens in Ann Patchett's magical novel.

Quote #9

“I just want to get away for a little bit. Mini vacation. A few hours in someone else's life, you know?” (43.67)

Grace's little mini-vacay allows her and Sam to do whatever they want to do, without worrying about friends, parents, or wolves interfering. It's interesting that by living “someone else's life,” Grace is actually able to be more true to herself.