Foreignness and 'The Other' Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“You can read each other's minds?” Grace asked, incredulous. (17.30)

We're not sure if Grace is incredulous (meaning she doesn't believe him) because telepathy is a weird foreign concept to her, or because she's jealous.

Quote #5

"People kill us in all kinds of awful ways." (24.49)

It's easier to brutally murder someone when you view them as the “other.” Um... we're not speaking from experience, we swear. But compare this line with Shelby's “we must be the worst way to die.” (36.7) The wolves can do the same thing to the humans.

Quote #6

“We are the only ones who can protect us.” (31.50)

This is a favorite saying of Beck, and it shows that there is a clear divide between the humans and the wolves. Each party views themselves as “us” and the others as “them.”