Time Quotes in The Shining

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"What you got, son, I call it shinin on, the bible calls it having visions, and there's scientists that call it precognition. I've read up on it, son. I've studied on it. They all mean seeing the future." (11.78)

Everybody in this novel seems obsessed with time, particularly the future, kind of like real people. This aspect of Danny's abilities isn't lost on his parents, though they try to rationalize it away. Halloran is the first time he's ever had a real conversation about it. It's about time.

Quote #5

"The sitting room wall by the door leading into the bedroom and splashed with blood and […] brain matter" (18.84).

This is what Danny sees when in the Presidential Suite. We later learn from the scrapbook that two men with organized crime connection were murdered there when Harry Derwent owned the Overlook. Danny can see bit of the past, as well as predict what might happen in the future.

Quote #6

In the Overlook all things had a sort of life. It was as if the whole place was wound up with a silver key. The clock was running. The clock was running. (37.23)

Danny just wound the clock in the ballroom with the silver key. Possibly, in doing so, accelerates Redrum, and moves all the hotel's times forward to the present.