Women and Femininity Quotes in She's Come Undone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I drained the cup and turned it on its side, prying with a fork until the wire popped out. I slid off her ceramic breasts. (20.108)

This is a symbolic gesture if we've ever seen one (and we've seen millions): Dolores tears the breasts off her mug, making sure her mug is no longer a sex object. Fight the power, girl.

Quote #8

"I've never loved anyone domestic before," [Dante] said. He nicknamed me "Home Ec." (21.2)

What did Ma say? You can either be Betty Crocker or a floozy. Dolores becomes Betty Crocker in her marriage to Dante.

Quote #9

One afternoon, waiting for [Dante], I spotted an oversized paperback, Our Bodies, Ourselves. (21.23)

Because Dolores is ignorant about sexuality for so long, she has to educate herself about her body using a book. The info is accurate, but the social aspect isn't there.