Sexuality Quotes in She's Come Undone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It was clear from the way he'd posed that he was offering his body, requesting—not pushing and ripping like Pig Jack Speight. (14.169)

Dolores likes Dante because she sees him as safe sexually, and not as a man who would force himself on her. Of course, Dante can be any man she wants him to be at this moment, because she's only looking at him in pictures.

Quote #8

It was wrong and dirty—what her hands, her mouth, were doing to me down there. But gentle, too, like she promised. (15.159)

Homosexuality is a difficult issue for Dolores to grasp. She isn't technically a lesbian, but being touched by one feels good, and Dolores isn't sure how to process that.

Quote #9

"I guess I'm just wondering why 'f***' slips out so easily but you can't seem to say the word 'orgasm.'" (17.53)

Dolores becomes pretty repressed sexually, but we can't blame her. At this point, all the orgasms she's had, that haven't come from herself, are from people whom she wasn't even interested in.