Lies and Deceit Quotes in She's Come Undone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It was my lies that got me into this mess, not Dante. But I wouldn't even be here without lies. (21.21)

Dolores's relationship with Dante is a tangled web of lies—lies in, lies out, lies every which way. It's no wonder the whole thing eventually fails.

Quote #8

If you looked quickly at our three-inch stack of cross-country pictures (ten rolls' worth, developed free of charge at the photo lab back in Rhode Island), you'd swear Dante and I had had a wonderful time. (23.118)

This is the pre-Facebook version of couples who only post happy things on social media, thereby making you think that their life is one big eHarmony success story… but it's not.