Coming of Age Quotes in She's Come Undone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Trying, perhaps, to reenter the safety of your mother—to return to the warm, wet protection of the person who hadn't yet failed you." (17.116)

Because Dolores's coming-of-age process was such a mess, it seems to have stunted her emotional growth as an adult. Her therapist suggests they try it all over again in a figurative rebirthing process.

Quote #8

Early and middle childhood were my easiest phases. (18.2)

Aren't they always? Things always go downhill once you become a teenager.

Quote #9

"Now that you're menstruating, it's nice, because I can love you as a friend, too—as an equal." (18.53)

Dr. Shaw, by responding in a supportive manner—completely the opposite of the way Dolores's mother reacts—takes Dolores's new coming-of-age process in a much better direction.