Shakespeare in Love Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Shakespeare in Love.

Quote #4

VIOLA: I do not love you, my lord.

Sadly, for Viola, her father and Lord Wessex do not care that she doesn't love Wessex. At this time, marriage is more often a business transaction before it is a declaration of love.

Quote #5

WILL: Love denied blights the soul we owe to God! So tell my lady, William Shakespeare waits for her in the garden!

"Love denied" is what Will is feeling toward Viola here, and that becomes a major theme of the play Romeo and Juliet as well. Both Will and Romeo are of a lower class than Viola and Juliet, and dramatic tension results because of it.

Quote #6

VIOLA: I would not have thought it. There is something better than a play.

Viola says this after her first night of doin' it with Will. Either he was really good, or she's only seen some average plays over the years.