A Separate Peace Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Listen you maimed son-of-a-b****…"

I hit him hard across the face. I didn't know why for an instant; it was almost as though I were maimed. Then the realization that there was someone who was flashed over me (6.46-7).

Gene again steps out of his own character and assumes Finny's identity, as a crippled (and defensive) guy.

Quote #5

"You've been pretty lazy all along, haven't you?"

"Yes, I guess I have been."

"You didn't even know anything about yourself."

"I don't guess I did, in a way" (8.131-4).

Notice that, in order to learn more about himself, Gene has had to become like Finny – by becoming an athlete.

Quote #6

His eyes were furious now too, glaring blindly at me. "What do you know about it, anyway?" None of this could have been said by the Leper of the beaver dam (9.31).

Gene can only deal with Leper's madness by stripping him of his identity.