Sense and Sensibility Character Quotes


Sense and Sensibility Character Quotes

Elinor Dashwood Quotes

Elinor and SenseIt's tough to be the practical one. Always having to shoot down the whimsical, maddening urges of others, always having to chime in and say, "Well, if you consider the facts…"...

Marianne Dashwood Quotes

Marianne and SenseThis is going to be brief: the fact of the matter is, as far as "sense" is concerned, Marianne just doesn't have it. She's always getting herself into a tizzy about this or that,...

Edward Ferrars Quotes

Edward Ferrars isn't entirely in control of his life. Actually, hold up – that's not quite right. It's better to note that at the beginning of the novel, he's not at all in control of his lif...

Lucy Steele Quotes

That Lucy Steele is certainly a tricky one. She's clever, manipulative, and self-serving – basically, everything you need to be to climb the social ladder to material success in Austen's worl...

John Willoughby Quotes

Willoughby is one serious player. He's a major pick-up artist, and he seems to leave a trail of broken hearts wherever he goes. At the end of the book, he comes right out and admits this to Elinor...

Mrs. Dashwood Quotes

Mrs. Dashwood is a lucky woman. She's fortunate enough to have had a husband to take care of her, then to have Elinor, a practical daughter, who took up the mantle of responsibility. She's kind of...

Fanny Dashwood (née Ferrars) Quotes

Fanny is totally a snob and a half. She basically only wants to associate with people richer or more important than she is. We think that it's really lame of her to constantly be dissing the Dashwo...

John Dashwood Quotes

We can't help but feel a little bad for John. On one hand, he's not exactly a good guy; after all, he basically leaves his sisters and stepmother penniless after their father dies. On the other han...

Mrs. Jennings Quotes

There's really not that much to Mrs. Jennings. She's a nice lady, but she can be on the annoying side (to put it mildly). Her roots are rather common – her husband was a businessman who made...

Sir John Middleton Quotes

Cyndi Lauper memorably noted that "Girls just wanna have fun." Well, that may be true, but Sense and Sensibility actually leads us to believe quite the contrary – most of the girls we're conc...

Mrs. Charlotte Palmer Quotes

Mrs. Palmer is really a sweetheart. She's a giggly, silly, rather inane woman, but at her core she's a nice lady. Charlotte takes after her mother, Mrs. Jennings, in her love for gossip, and she wa...