Savvy Tradition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

So, when Will Junior asked me […]what made my family so special, I told him what my relations have been telling folk for generations when faced with questions that had to be answered. (14.8)

Old habits die hard—even when you're trying to communicate. Tradition can be what keeps you going when times are tough, but it can be hard to realize when they're holding you back.

Quote #5

Momma and Poppa always kept that jar up on the mantel, loosening the lid now and again to let the never-ending song fill the house. (14.21)

Traditions can be like stepping into memories, especially if you do them the same way always. Perhaps this is their way of keeping Grandma Dollop alive, or at least close to them in their memories.

Quote #6

Depending on the person and the savvy, it could take years to gain enough control to mingle easily with the rest of the world […] that's why […] homeschooling went way, way beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic. (21.6)

It's a tradition for the Beaumonts to be homeschooled, which also means learning to scumble. And in this way, scumbling is a tradition for their family, not just a necessity… though it's definitely a necessity too.