Savvy The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Controlled. Fish had controlled his outburst—aimed it even…Fish took a step back in surprise and his storm shut down faster than it had started… He appeared to have finally found the right color paint to complement his savvy. (21.12)

Half the battle of puberty and adolescence is coming to terms with all the weird stuff happening to you and getting a handle on it. And guess what Fish just accomplished? The same thing, it just gets illustrated through his savvy.

Quote #8

"Where's my brother?" I demanded, trying to shut out everything except Carlene's voice inside my head […]. (31.15)

What's very interesting about this moment is that Mibs is actually using her savvy and controlling it—which means she's scumbling way earlier than most of her relatives manage to. You go, girl.

Quote #9

[…] the city was obviously still struggling to recover from Rocket's electric wake. I swallowed hard; I'd never seen Rocket make such a mess. (34.10)

Rocket is on the opposite end of the spectrum from Fish when it comes to scumbling. Can you say late bloomer?