Savvy Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Will Junior followed, nearly stepping on my heels. "Hey, slow down, Mibs! Wait for me." (8.10)

Here's what we mean when we say that Will Junior's loyalty makes him into a bit of a lost puppy. Will is there for Mibs in spite of and despite the fact she doesn't want him to be. Mibs is… how do we say this… not quite as loyal to Will Junior at this point.

Quote #5

"Mister… That's no way to treat a lady." Saying this, Lester shoved his plate aside and stood up, walking around the counter to help Lill gather her money. (19.31)

Lester, in spite of his horribly mean tattoos, has backbone when he needs it most. Perhaps this is one of those times where we can see how loyalty can be a weakness. Sure Lester has started to become loyal to Lill and she's a positive force in his life, but at the same time we also can see that he must have been loyal to Carla and his mother—and both of them used that loyalty in nasty ways.

Quote #6

Fish was standing in front of me now, acting like a shield between me and Will and Bobbi Meeks. (20.23)

Fish shows us here what his kind of loyalty looks like: it's literally a shield to keep interlopers away. And because his outlooks on loyalty and family are one and the same, it shows that Fish feels that he needs to be the protector for his family and their secrets.