Savvy Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] that girl was fast on her feet when it came to deceit, and I couldn't decide whether I admired her or felt sorry for her having such a skill. (23.25)

Bobbi's a skilled liar, but Mibs isn't sure whether to be impressed or feel bad for the girl. Lying is a skill she's clearly felt the need to hone.

Quote #8

Bobbi, Will, and Fish all sauntered into the room, looking like a bunch of cats who'd just finished feasting on an entire flock of canaries. Fortunately, Lill was so relieved to be off the phone, she didn't even notice. (23.34)

Here's an interesting question for you: is Lill lying to herself here? Sure she's relieved to be done with a phone call she was more than likely dreading, but perhaps she wants to accept the lie that the kids told her because it was easier than truly facing up to the facts of the situation.

Quote #9

It was with more than a touch of relief that we watched a white and blue police car fly past us on its way to someplace else and realized it wasn't ALERT! MISSING! ALERT! after us. But Lill and Lester hardly noticed a thing, so absorbed were they with each other. (28.2)

Sure people get wrapped up in certain things from time to time, but is that really an excuse for being oblivious to the hard fact that they are transporting a bunch of kids that the police are looking for? We think Lester and Lill just might be deceiving themselves here.