Savvy Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

For once, Bobbi was speechless; not even her little angel had much to say. (21.14)

A speechless sixteen-year-old? We don't believe you. But for real, speaking as former sixteen-year-olds, they are actually pretty good at communicating—and telling everybody else what they've done wrong. What we're witnessing in this moment, though, is Bobbi growing as a teenager and as a person. Notice how she gets a lot nicer to everyone after this?

Quote #8

"It will be all right," the singsong voice said inside my head. I looked up at Bobbi, who was looking right back at me intently. She nodded at me once. (24.22)

This is a seriously huge moment for Mibs and Bobbi. Not only are these two actually communicating, but they're doing it by using Mibs's savvy. Might these two actually become friends? Time will tell.

Quote #9

If I could tell what Lester was thinking or feeling by listening to those voices in my head, why did they always talk about him like he wasn't even there? [...] No wonder the man had a stutter and a twitch. (26.34)

This is very telling about Lester: he's so beaten down by other people's opinions that he doesn't even have room for his own thoughts in his own head. This explains why he's the way he is in the beginning—working a job that someone else is making him do, that he doesn't like very much, and isn't very good at. is living someone else's opinions, because he doesn't value his own.