Samson Agonistes Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line number)

Quote #7

SAMSON: In strength all mortals I excell'd, and great in hopes with youthful courage and magnanimous thoughts (522-524)

And he's modest, too! Well, at least he's making up for his former boastfulness by talking endlessly about how much he messed up. Or is that just another form of bragging? ("Look how bad I am. I am so bad.")

Quote #8

CHORUS: Many are the sayings of the wise in ancient and in modern books enroll'd extolling patience has the truest fortitude (652-654).

The Chorus offers another definition of strength that Samson also might need to work on: patience. And reading.

Quote #9

SAMSON: I know no spells, use no forbidden arts; my trust is in the living God who gave me at my nativity this strength (1139-1141)

Samson's strength might be superhuman, but it's totally not cheating because he was born with it.