Samson Agonistes Religion Quotes

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Quote #7

DALILA: And the priest was... ever at my ear, preaching how meritorious with the gods it would be to ensnare an irreligious dishonorer of Dagon (857-861)

Samson isn't the only one who feels pressured by his religious belief. And this raises the question: how do we know that Dalila is wrong and Samson right? Does Samson Agonistes actually prove that either religion is truer?

Quote #8

SAMSON: I to be the power of Israel's God avow, and challenge Dagon to the test, offering to combat thee [Harapha] his Champion bold (1150-1152).

We're really getting the feeling that contests of strength are actually about a lot more then just who's stronger. Like maybe they're pitting two entire civilizations and belief structures against each other.

Quote #9

SAMSON: Thou knowst I am an Ebrew, therefore tell [your lords], our law forbids at their religious rites my presence (1319-1321).

Just because Samson is a prisoner doesn't mean he's about to violate religious law. He takes this stuff very seriously. In fact, we're thinking that he might be better off if he lightened up a little.