Samson Agonistes Mortality Quotes

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Quote #7

SAMSON: This day will be remarkable in my life by some great act, or of my days the last (1388-1389)

Samson seems pretty eager to compare greatness and death. Is it an act of courage to go out in a blaze—or does he see death as a way to avoid having to deal with the consequences of his actions?

Quote #8

CHORUS: What if [Samson's] eye-sight... by miracle restored, he now be dealing dole among his foes and over heaps of slaughter'd walk his way? (1528-1530)

A rather gruesome image of Samson as killer, not victim. Does this change our reading of his character?

Quote #9

MESSENGER: Inevitable cause at once both to destroy and be destroyed (1585-1586)

Samson's death is particularly morbid because he both kills himself and other people too. But what good would it do for Samson to die alone?