Samson Agonistes Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line number)

Quote #4

MANOA: I cannot praise thy marriage choises, Son (420).

Okay, Dad. Understatement of the year.

Quote #5

SAMSON: At length to lay my head and hallow'd pledge of all my strength in the lascivious lap of a deceitful concubine (535-538)

When you call your wife a "concubine," things are not good on the marriage front.

Quote #6

DALILA: But conjugal affection prevailing over fear, and timerous doubt hath led me desirous to behold once more that face and know of thy estate (739-743).

Even though their marriage hasn't gone so well, Dalila still says its bond has an influence over her feelings. Does she really love him? She's making a good case for it.