Samson Agonistes Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line number)

Quote #7

SAMSON: Fair days have oft contracted wind and rain (1063)

Life can change at any moment... just like the weather. Too bad they don't have sophisticated modern forecasting technology.

Quote #8

SAMSON: Be of good courage, I begin to feel some rouzing motions in me which dispose to something extraordinary my thoughts (1381-1383)

Probably one of the least dramatic descriptions of a very dramatic change in all of English literature. Dramatic.

Quote #9

MANOA: The worst indeed, O all my hope's defeated to free [Samson] hence! but death who sets all free hath paid his ransom now and full discharge (1571-1572)

Here's another, sadder, realization of how quickly, and drastically, life can change: Samson was two seconds away from walking out the door, and now he's dead. (And so is the door.)