'Salem's Lot Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around 'Salem's Lot? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What or whom does Father Callahan want to fight?

a big, clear EVIL
little evils, like poverty and discrimination
Sandy McDougall, because she's a rotten human being
Doctor Doom and Lex Luthor, because they are clearly bad guys
Q. What can vampires hiding in the houses in 'Salem's Lot symbolize?

the boredom of the townspeople
the hideous disease of flatulence that has afflicted the townspeople
the tragic goodness of the townspeople
the ugly secrets of the townspeople
Q. How does Ben think of Jerusalem's Lot?

It's a hick town he never wants to visit again.
It's the site of treasured childhood memories.
It's the place where his wife died.
It's the place where he wants to raise mutant vampire-eating pigs.
Q. If you don't believe in the supernatural in 'Salem's Lot, what happens?

The vampires can't hurt you.
Hubie Marsten will come back from the dead to play you in badminton.
The vampires will probably get you.
You will flunk Matt Burke's class.
Q. Lust motivates which characters to embrace vampirism?

Danny Glick and Ann Norton
Corey Bryant and Dud Rodgers
Jerusalem the pig and Lot the bunny
Mabel Werts and Ben Mears