'Salem's Lot Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around 'Salem's Lot? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who says, " I will see you sleep like the dead"?

Jimmy Cody, giving Matt Burke sleeping pills.
Mike Ryerson, threatening Matt Burke.
Father Callahan, saying a service for Danny Glick.
The plastic zombie that Danny Glick plays with.
Q. Who says, " Now I bring you spoiled meat and reeking flesh"?

Susan, apologizing to Ben for ruining dinner.
Dud Rodgers, cackling over his rats.
Ruthie Crockett while performing in the school play about acne.
Straker, sacrificing Ronnie Glick to the devil.
Q. What does Parkins Gillespie say about Nolly at the end of the novel?

"That boy, though, is as dumb as a bagful of hammers with the handles sawed off."
"He's hanging in the back room like a bat. Makes hideous squeaking noises when you tickle him with the vacuum cleaner."
"He'll make a good vampire, though, once he gets the hang of it."
"He's bad, mister. Just bad, that's all."
Q. Who says, "Come on in, then"?

Ann Norton, telling Ben to come in for the barbecue.
Barlow, telling Mark to come downstairs after he's gotten Susan.
Mark, telling Danny Glick to come in his window.
Franklin Boddin inviting the giant orange rabbits to get into his flatbed.
Q. In his letter, Barlow writes

"I am not the woodchuck, but the father of woodchucks."
"I am not the serpent, but the father of serpents."
"I am not the vampire, but the father of vampires."
"I did not know Marsten, but I knew his father and his father's father."