Saint Joan Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #7

DUNOIS: "If she fell into the Loire I would jump in in full armor to fish her out. But if she plays the fool at Compiègne, and gets caught, I must leave her to her doom." (5.114)

Dunois's attitude seems to be representative of most of her supposed friends. They do all admire her on some level, but at a certain point she's on her own.

Quote #8

CAUCHON: "You [Warwick] play for your side, my lord, even at the peril of your soul. I cannot but admire such devotion." (6.38)

Does the Bishop actually admire Warwick, or is this just a veiled threat of excommunication?

Quote #9

LADVENU: "When the fire crept round us, and she saw that if I held the cross before her I should be burnt myself, she warned me to get down and save myself." (E.291)

This moment of selflessness on Joan's part changes Ladvenu's opinion of her and fuels his lifelong quest to clear her name.