Room Part 3: Dying Quotes

Room Part 3: Dying Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Jack > Ma

Quote 4

"Let's just stay." (3.246)

This is Jack's response when Ma tries to think of a plan of escape. Do you think Jack wants to stay out of fear, or does he want to stay because Room is home? Or is it a little bit of both?

Quote 5

I'm not in Room. Am I still me? (3.728)

This is a pretty philosophical question. Jack highly identifies with his home. It's the only place he's ever been. Being outside gives him absolutely no context. Who is he when he has lost his home?

Ma > Jack

Quote 6

"Oh, Jack," [Ma] says, "we're never going back." The car starts moving and I'm crying so much I can't stop. (3.1001-3.1002)

It's difficult for us to tell why Jack is crying here. Is he crying because he thought Ma was dead, but she's actually been saved? Or is he crying because he's never going back to Room, the only place he knows as his home?