Jack Quotes


Quote 13

I'd love to watch TV all the time but it rots our brains. (1.100)

Ma uses TV mostly to educate Jack, watching educational shows like Dora and playing the Parrot game—in which Jack repeats back what people say—to build his vocabulary. She limits the use of TV, though, because most TV isn't educational at all, especially not to a five-year-old.


Quote 14

Sometimes I forget things. Ma tells me and I remember them after that. (1.161)

Ma is pretty patient, but Jack is patient, too. Even at a young age, he realizes that he sometimes forgets things, but this doesn't frustrate him. He just knows he has to be reminded of things, and everything will be okay.


Quote 15

"Listen. What we see on TV is… it's pictures of real things." That's the most astonishing I ever heard. (1.101-1.102)

Revealing to Jack that TV is kind of real opens up a whole new world for Jack to learn about. This revelation changes Jack's entire world, making him think about everything in a whole new way.