Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Justice and Injustice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Mr. Granger sent word by me that he ain't gonna stand for no hanging on his place. He say y'all touch one hair on that boy's head while he on this land, he's gonna hold every man here responsible." (11.86)

So, why the italics here? Taylor doesn't use them very much, so they must mean something, right? Well, try saying this sheriff's sentence aloud, and place heavy emphasis on those two italicized words. Good. Now, try doing that but raise your eyebrows ominously on those italicized words. See how that adds emphasis? Good. Finally, do both of those things, and throw in a nod of your head toward your neighbor's yard. See what the sheriff's saying now? Don't do it here, but Mr. Granger doesn't have any particular qualms about you doing it over there.