The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

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Quote #10

On January 25, the day on which Goering was showing Hitler the police record of Blomberg's bride, he also spread before the Fuehrer an even more damaging document. This had been conveniently provided by Himmler and his principle aid, Heydrich […], and it purported to show that General von Fritsch had been guilty of homosexual offenses under Section 175 of the German criminal code and that he had been paying blackmail to an ex-convict since 1935 to hush the matter up. (3.10.27)

By 1938, Hitler seemed to have become far less willing to tolerate homosexual activity among the ranks of the Nazi Party or his top Army and Navy brass. When Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich of the Nazi Gestapo framed General Freiherr Werner von Fritsch for homosexual acts—which were considered criminal in Germany at the time—Hitler demanded the resignation of the outraged Commander in Chief of the Army. (3.10.30)