The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Under no circumstances can [they] expect to be treated according to the rules of the Geneva Convention…If it should become necessary for reasons of interrogation to spare one man or two, then they are to be shot immediately after interrogation. (5.27.131)

Hitler decided that Allied commando troops could be shot on sight, in strict violation of the Geneva Convention accords about treatment of POWs. Orders were that this particular crime was to be kept strictly secret and any copies of this order were to be destroyed.

Quote #11

Field Marshal Model issued a ringing order of the day announcing that Rommel had died of "wounds sustained on July 17" and mourning the loss of "one of the greatest commanders of our nation." (5.29.358)

Field Marshal Model issued a ringing order of the day announcing that Rommel had died of "wounds sustained on July 17" and mourning the loss of "one of the greatest commanders of our nation." (5.29.358)

Rommel had actually died of "wounds sustained" from being forced to take poison on Hitler's orders. Hitler ordered a state funeral with all the honors. He couldn't tolerate the humiliation of the German people learning that Rommel had turned against him. It was one in a long series of lies which Hitler fed the people of Germany.

Quote #12

There was Kaltenbrunner, the bloody successor of "Hangman Heydrich," who on the stand would deny all his crimes. (A Brief Epilogue)

Shirer returned to German for the Nuremberg trials, where he saw the men he had seen at the height of their glory now reduced to prisoners on trial for their lives. Many of them lied until the bitter end. The court didn't believe Kaltenbrunner; he was convicted of war crimes and hanged. Do you think these guys believed their own lies?