The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

By the end of 1938 the Hitler Youth numbered 7,728,259. Large as this number was, obviously some four million youth had managed to stay out of the organization, and in March 1939 the government issued a law conscripting all youth into the Hitler Youth on the same basis as they were drafted into the Army. Recalcitrant parents were warned that their children would be taken away from them and put into orphanages or other homes unless they enrolled. (2.8.101)

Just in case you thought that we were blowing things out of proportion when we characterized public school education in Nazi Germany as social engineering, this passage ought to clear things up. Hitler was determined to indoctrinate Germany's youth with Nazi ideology. The public schools, Hitler Youth organization, and other programming worked hard to get the job done.