Richard II Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

Not all the water in the rough rude sea
Can wash the balm off from an anointed king; (3.2.3)

Richard is really confident in his position as king, don't you think? Even as he's just returned to England because Henry Bolingbroke's men are gaining popularity, Richard shows us why he eventually loses the monarchy. Rather than take active steps to remain in office, Richard believes God and nature will protect the king, so he doesn't really have to bother.

Quote #5

Proud Bolingbroke, I come
to change blows with thee for our day of doom. (3.2.10)

Richard accuses Henry Bolingbroke of pride here. Hmm... seems like someone is trying to put his own flaws on someone else.

Quote #6

O God, O God, that e'er this tongue of mine
That laid the sentence of dread banishment
On yon proud man should take it off again
With words of sooth! O, that I were as great
As is my grief, or lesser than my name!
Or that I could forget what I have been,
Or not remember what I must be now! (3.3.3)

Richard regrets having banished Henry Bolingbroke, the "proud man," and wishes his tongue still had the power to reverse the sentence with soothing words. It doesn't, of course, and this leads him to reflect on just how far he's fallen and how much less painful it would be if he could just forget that he had once been king.