Women and Femininity Quotes in Revenge of the Witch (The Last Apprentice)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"My mother's a woman. [...] And I trust her." (6.29)

Tom is able to discern between the Spook's "advice" and what he has learned from his own life experience. We're not sure Tom will ever subscribe to the Spook's distrust of women. And we're thankful for that.

Quote #5

"Watch out for the village girls. Especially any who wear pointy shoes." (6.33)

Maybe the Spook prefers open-toed shoes. In all seriousness, this is an opaque way of telling Tom not to trust witches, and we have to admit that, when it comes to Alice, he might be right.

Quote #6

Despite [Alice's] slim arms and narrow waist, she had to be very strong. (7.107)

Shocker: women can rings bells, too. Maybe Tom does have a little prejudice against women in him.