Isolation Quotes in Revenge of the Witch (The Last Apprentice)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

As soon as I'd spoken, the shop became quiet and the laughter stopped. [...] I could hear people whispering behind me. (6.44)

Silence can be extremely isolating. If you've ever walked into a room and everyone went silent, you know how Tom must feel here. He can be in a room full of people, and still feel alone.

Quote #5

"I feel so alone—I'd like to come back and work here." (7.56)

Tom's Mam is right a lot. Here we see how right she was about Tom not feeling lonely when he's working. As soon as Tom has a break from work, the loneliness creeps in, and he wants to go back to his family's farm.

Quote #6

"How can you be lonely? You've got yourself, haven't you?" (7.58)

Hm. Maybe loneliness is less about being by yourself and more about itching to get away from yourself, and into the company of other people. What do you do to keep yourself company when you're alone?