Recuerdo Resources


Modern American Poetry On Millay's Works

Sure, "Recuerdo" doesn't actually appear on this site, but you can get a pretty good sense of smart people's readings of Millay's works here.

Calling All Millay Fans

So you feel that you need to "preserve Millay's legacy for the future," eh? Well, then, this is the website for you.

Need A Millay Bibliography?

This site's done your work for you! Check out starting research points here.

Poetry Foundation

A biography of Millay, plus links to some of her poems.


Wow. That's All We Can Say.
Someone loves Edna so much that they decided to make her lips (and eyebrows!) move while they read "Recuerdo." It's beyond creepy.


Pretty Much Everyone Reads "Recuerdo"
In fact, nine people read the poem here. No, none of them is Millay. But check it out anyway.


Edna St. Vincent Millay

We're not saying that this image was totally staged. Nope, she just happened to lean oh-so-casually into a magnolia tree. Of course.

Another Picture

Here's another picture of Millay as a young woman.


First Fig and Other Poems

Read the collection that won Millay the Pulitzer!

A Pretty Fabulous Biography

We know it can't be too hard to write an interesting bio of Millay, since she led such an interesting life, but this biography is actually a good read.

Movies & TV

Hitler's Madmen, Millay's Screenplay
St. Vincent Millay wrote a screenplay detailing the craziness of the SS. Check it out here.