Identity Quotes in Ready Player One

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Mr. Avenovich] could have been a small Inuit woman living in Anchorage, Alaska, who had adopted this appearance and voice to make her students more receptive to her lessons. (4.2)

Discrimination according to race, gender, and sexual orientation is still rampant in 2045, and might even be enabled by the OASIS, where many people feel obligated to portray themselves as white, heterosexual males in order to be accepted. Aech is one of these people.

Quote #5

[Art3mis] was even cooler in person than I'd imagined. (9.43)

This is how closely a person's OASIS identity is tied into their actual, human identity. Just getting an eyeful of Art3mis's polygons counts to Wade as "in person."

Quote #6

"You could become famous in the real world too [...] if you reveal your true identity to the media." (9.123)

Being famous in the real world requires tearing down the wall between real-life and online identities, something Wade isn't ready to do at this point in the book, either out of fear or a simple preference for the two to remain separate.