The Home Quotes in Ready Player One

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

No outside light ever penetrated my apartment. (19.4)

Wade's apartment is less a home than it is simply a means to an end. It's a stronghold, as home-y as a fortress. He blocks out all light and doesn't even bother to decorate. All his efforts go into personalizing his digital home because that's the one that counts.

Quote #8

My stronghold was my home inside the OASIS. My avatar's sanctuary. It was the one place in the entire simulation where I was truly safe. (20.3)

Remember what we said earlier about Wade finding a safe zone inside the OASIS? He creates one for himself, a high-tech base on an asteroid with no neighbors. Here he isn't stuck, he's free to come and go as he pleases, and that makes it the perfect home.

Quote #9

Since the dawn of OASIS, thousands of elderly users had come here and painstakingly coded virtual replicas of local arcades they remembered from their childhood. (22.7)

Sometimes fond memories of home aren't even from the house you grew up in. They're from a place you had fun, met new people, and fit in. The arcades of the '80s were homes to many people.