Friendship Quotes in Ready Player One

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

After [the quest], the three of us had parted as friends, if not necessarily allies, and I considered that an ample reward for my efforts. (20.30)

It's nice here that Wade/Parzival has made two new friends in Daito and Shoto, but the fact that he seems to have been shooting for an alliance in the Hunt shows that he is still placing the competition ahead of friendship.

Quote #5

I sent Aech a brief e-mail to say thanks. [...] I also copped to being a colossally insensitive, self-centered asshole and begged him to forgive me. (23.46)

This is one of the few un-selfish acts Wade does during the course of the book, showing us that his friendship with Aech really does mean something. That comes as a bit of a relief, because his one-track mind was starting to become a bit worrisome.

Quote #6

You know you've totally screwed up your life when […] the only person you have to talk to is your system agent software. (24.25)

We guess even someone as lonely as Wade draws the line at making friends with an Artificial Intelligence. Fair enough, Wade. Fair enough.